
Enesto Avelino and Pelayo Rodríguez

1 February 2019 – 30 April 2019

This content has not been translated yet

Project in residence


Zuma is an audiovisual work that tries to unite astronomical and cosmological research with human ancestral culture. Belonging, the sense of appropriation and domination, as well as the desire for knowledge and therefore also for delimitation and grouping, are concepts that form the basis of the work.

Intervention, manipulation and action on a cosmic scale of the human being are the starting point of reflection.

Zuma is a compilation of sounds and images obtained in the various astronomical observatories that exist today to use them in a montage where they take shape in the form of language, forming with them an indissoluble whole with the human condition. The resulting from the sound and visual montage appeals to the space of contact established between humanity and its universal and cosmic environment. The treatment of the images suggests a large-scale intervention, transforming and modeling at a distance the whole evolutionary set in which the stellar clusters and galaxies seem in the end to be works of the intelligence of our species. Sounds are also transformed from their original state, manipulating them in the sense of artificiality and human appropriation that vertebrate the idea.

Image of the galactic center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A.

