
Elise Florentino

1 May 2023 – 31 July 2023

Elise Florentino (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1998) trained at the Oviedo School of Art in Printmaking and Illustration, and graduated in Fine Arts at Chavón – The School of Design. His work is comfortable in contemporary drawing, although his practice uses multiple techniques depending on the needs of each work. With a strong narrative charge, he interprets stories of his daily life, where he fuses the minimalist with the maximalist in a way that sometimes borders on humour and sometimes on sadness.

She has participated in events and exhibitions such as the VIII Convocatoria de MMM, the II Semana Profesional del Arte de Oviedo, and the 32 Mappa, where she was selected. She has also exhibited on several occasions with Estudio Pablo de Lillo, such as in ENTREARTE III at the Palacio de Revillagigedo or in the same gallery. As an illustrator, she has collaborated with institutions and projects such as “Afrofeminas” and the project “Othering and Belonging” at the University of Berkeley, California.

Project in residence

Es lo mismo

“Es lo mismo” is part of “Paraíso-Ciguapa”, a project in progress since January 2021.

Paraíso-Ciguapa, is a body of work in which inhabit a series of creatures taken from the depths of my rem phase or ideas converted into metaphors with personality and will.

“Es lo mismo” is the audiovisual part of all this research. The plan of this piece is to create a small series of short films/scenarios with different filming techniques to tell the different emotional stages a migrant goes through from the decision to migrate to the adaptation in a new environment. The short films will be made with animation but will include modeling, textile work and a part of video performance.

The narration is also a highlight. Each short film has an essay written and spoken by the artist

This audiovisual part was necessary to complete the project, although it gives the feeling that there will always be something to tell if what we tell is about migration.

Project selected in the I Call for Artistic Residencies 2023.
