Edu Comelles

Sound artist, musician and curator

Musician and sound artist

Edu Comelles lives and works in Valencia, Spain. He is a sound and media artist and curator working in the fields of new media, sound art, musical production and sound design in a wide variety of contexts.

Comelles has been playing live solo and with collaborative projects in festivals such as Sonar in Barcelona, Fase in Berlin, Escucha in Buenos Aires or Radar Festival in Mexico among others. His live sets often happen in unusual places and non conventional venues such as churches, cloisters or art galleries in Spain and Europe.

His installations have been displayed in institutions such as Reina Sofia in Madrid, LABoral in Gijón, Tabakalera (Donostia), Espai Rambleta, Bombas Gens in Valencia; Etopia (Zaragoza), CAAM (Gran Canaria) or the CCCB, Caixaforum or Arts Santa Mónica in Barcelona, his hometown.

In 2017 won the prestigious Leonardo / BBVA Grant as the best Digital Art Work with Spectre Project. He has been awarded with grants and scholarships all around Spain and has been participating in art exhibitions collectives and individuals since 2006.

As a curator Comelles runs and directs Audiotalaia an online network or netlabel dedicated to research, teach and produce in the fields of experimental music and sound art under creative commons licenses. Every summer the organisation holds the Audiotalaia Summer Camp an international encounter for young artists and curators that happens every year on the outskirts of Barcelona.

He has also been working on festivals like Ensems in Valencia or the concert series at the EACC museum of Castellón (Spain). Before that Comelles has been a key figure organising regularly series of concerts in Valencia, the city where he lives and works.

From the research perspective Comelles holds a PhD in sound art, an Msc in SOund Design at the University of Edinburgh, a Master in Visual Arts and new media at the Polythecnic University of Valencia and a degree in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona.