Cristina Cámara Bello

Cinema and video curator

Cristina Cámara Bello works as cinema and video curator at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS). An art historian and honors graduate in Art Market by the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid), she completed an undergraduate programme on Cultural Management (2002) at Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in Madrid. Between 2011 and 2013 she was the director of the Masters Programme on Historic and Cultural Heritage Management at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where she is a member of the consulting board and a teacher. She has taken part in professional stays and exchanges at MoMA and Whitney Museum in New York City, and at Tate Modern in London, where she co-curated the individual exhibition Rosa Barba and the series To Be Is to Be Perceived.

She is a member of the curatorial team of the last presentations of the collection MNCARS, where she has done an outstanding job managing the funds and the exhibition spaces devoted to José Val del Omar. At the Museum she has also co-curated the series Archipiélago Val del Omar, La pantalla convulsa. Historias del cine (1962-82) and La imagen es un virus. Historias del cine (1980-1990).