Constanza Piña

Electronic artist, dancer, researcher and independent educator

Curicó, 1984

Lives and works nomadically. Electronic artist, dancer, researcher and independent educator focused on experimentation with electronic media, free technologies and DIWO (do it with others / let’s do it together) methodologies. Her work explores noise as a sonic, political and cultural phenomenon. She reflects on human/non-human technological assemblages and the role of machines in our culture, questioning academia, anthropocentrism, capitalism and techno-hetero-patriarchy as agents that oppose open knowledge and the valorization of manual technical work. Founder of the technofeminist platform Cyborgrrrls: virtual and face-to-face archives since 2017 in Mexico City. She has presented her work in Latin America, Europe, US, Canada and Taiwan. She was awarded with honorable mention in Ars Electronica (2020) for her project Khipu /Electrotextile Prehispanic Computer.