Cinthia Mendonça

Scene director and Majored in Theater Direction by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Brasil, 1980. Scene director and Majored in Theater Direction by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Her artwork, marked by hybridism, circles around dance, performance, urban intervention and technology. She participated of international festivals and exhibitions, such as Riocenacontemporanea, Mip2-Ceia, Desenho, Encuentro de Artes Relacionales-Bogotá, Bienal PerfoArteNeT-Bogotá, MoLa (Mostra Livre de Arte), Muestra Afuera! de Arte Contemporânea de Córdoba, Interactivos?’10BH e Arte.Mov. Her work deals with exodus and mobility.

In 2009 and 2010 she received the Interações Estéticas award from the Ministry of Culture, which took her to artistic residencies in different Pontos de Cultura in Brazil. During a residency at Marginália+Lab (Belo Horizonte), she developed the CZI project (Corpo Zona de Intervenção / Body Zone of Intervention), where she manipulates lives images and reappropriates Helio Oiticica’s parangoles.In August 2010 she was in residency at the Sitio de la Memoria “Campo de la Ribera” in the project Phonesis Criolla: Muestra de Arte Afuera!, in Córdoba, Argentina, where she developed the performance Circuito Branco (White Circuit). She was selected for the Interactivos?’10BH with the work Um Jardim para Epicuro (A Garden for Epicurus). Interactivos is a collaborative lab offered by MediaLab-Prado from Madrid in Belo Horizonte.Now is part of the “Nomadamentes” project, where she develops “Recorrido”, thanks to the invitation from D/C (demolición/construción), from Córdoba, Argentina.