
Chylo (Marcin Chylinski)

1 September 2023 – 31 January 2024

Chylo (Olsztyn, Poland, 1981) is a visual artist. After studying Fine Arts at the University of Nicolaus Copernicus, Torun (Poland), he developed his practice in Madrid for several years. His sources of inspiration are elements of contemporary popular culture such as comics and games, as well as popular beliefs and mythologies. Through his projects he investigates the space that emerges between the natural and the hostile, often decontextualising elements to create new narratives in different environments.

He works mainly in the field of muralism, animation and installation, participating in exhibitions, festivals and residencies, among them: Institute of Polish Culture in collaboration with Goethe Institute and Universidad Carlos III Madrid (2021); Festival “AlcobendasCREA”, Alcobendas (2019); Festival “Arte al Cubo 2”, Madrid (2018); Festival “Cultura en la Calle”, Madrid (2018), and interactive installations for Festival Asalto, Zaragoza (2016) and Festival MulaFest, Madrid (2016).

Project in residence

The project ‘Huba iterform’ reflects on our environment through sculpture and audiovisual elements.

An exploration of the mergers that occur between the digital and organic environment. The two realities that permeate our daily lives increasingly coexist and interpenetrate. Proof of defining the belonging of what we perceive is obliterating, creating both confusion and curiosity.

The project itself is a reflection of our times. A reality where nature coexists with technology, art and science creating a whole that often blurs the boundaries between these disciplines.

The question is: do we need to classify it? Perhaps our way of perceiving is outdated and we need to learn to perceive differently what is happening around us.

Based on an installation composed of sculptures, visual and sound elements, it explores the inertias that can happen in these two environments. As the main reference of my inspiration I have taken the natural processes and cycles that happen in our environment trying to combine them with digital effects and tools.

Project selected in the II Call for Artistic Residencies 2023.
