Chus Bernabé

Biology and geology teacher and musician

Ciudadano Tinta

Ciudadano Tinta is Chus Bernabé, a biology and geology teacher in Gijón. He has also been an active musician since 2000, so his poetry can be heard in the lyrics of more than five albums, some collaborations and many, many live performances all over the country.

Under this pseudonym he started a musical project focused on the lyrics of his songs. The search for formats that would give more wings to these lyrics led him to develop his poetry without musical ties.

A regular on the poetry scene, either as a spectator or participant, he has won the Gijón Poetry Slam 2023, after coming second in 2022. Thanks to this, his first collection of poems, El Reparo Mutuo, will be published this year.

From this apprenticeship comes the desire to contribute new proposals: a format for live poetry that helps to enrich the scene, and his own voice in spoken word whose rhythm is set by dance music such as funk or soul.

This is the next project, and its name is Palabra de Funk (Spoken Funk).