Bruno Rousseaud


Born in France in 1969. Lives and works in Paris. Recent exhibitions include: Galerie Almine Rech, Paris; Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux (CAPC); FRAC Basse-Normandie, Caen.

Bruno Rousseaud has turned cars and the behaviour or personality of some of their owners or drivers into a substantial part of his work. Very often, the connection between man and machine in relation to the automobile goes beyond the mere usage relationship to unfold as a whole set of interactions between the nature of cars, the behaviour of their owners and ways of driving them. This play of personality transfer is particularly visible in the behaviour of aggression, power or control when driving a car. Thus, Rousseaud’s exploration around car culture particularly targets a psychological territory in which social behaviour, relationships or personality are expressed. Technology has traditionally led to the emergence or development of sensations and attitudes of power and control. Bruno Rousseaud’s work explores the intersection between the technological and the pulsional where car-related psychopathologies appear.