
Asturias SCIFI Division

21 June 2021 – 31 July 2021

Multidisciplinary collective focused on electronic music made with synthesizers and new forms of experimental cinema formed by a group of Asturian producers, DJs and film students. Currently and until the entry of this new covid situation, it was focused on the development of a label in vinyl and digital format, the recording of an audiovisual medium-length film with a science fiction theme and the development of events, projections in different rooms and spaces of the community.

Project in residence

Asturias SCI-FI Division

The collective of musicians Asturias SCI-Fi Division bases audio recording techniques on live recordings with a wide variety of synthesizers, drum machines, sequencers and different processors in which they seek to achieve the maximum degree of sound expression by printing an SCI tone. -Cinematic FI to all our pieces, surreal sound landscaping.

We use images recorded analogously with handycam techniques and our synthetic music. Inspired by texts from Sci-fi novels by authors such as Isaac Asimov, William Gibson, Stasnislav Lem and Philip K. dick among others… The pieces are accompanied by these texts in the form of subtitles that will later also become voice-overs processed with vocoder as a narrator.

Selected project from the 1st Call for Artistic Residencies 2021
