Andy Gracie


(London, 1967)

The artistic work of Andy Gracie (London, 1967) lies at the intersection between art and science and uses scientific theory and practice as an artistic means to explore the relationship between man and the post-natural world and the notion of reality. His work proposes scenarios of exchange between natural and man-made systems and encompasses genres and disciplines such as installation, robotics, sound, video and biological practices. More recently, his activity involves cultural analysis of astrobiological science and research based on the space and notions on the origin of life, together with new analysis of its boundaries.

His creations have been shown in the UK, France, Spain, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, U.S.A., Japan, Mexico and Australia. He has been commissioned with the production of new works for the Arnolfini Centre (Bristol, United Kingdom), several entities from Barcelona and north-east England and has taken part in festivals such as ISEA, Artbots, Radar, Ars Electronica, as well as the robotics exhibition for the Lille 2004 European Capital of Culture. Andy Gracie has received honourable mentions at VIDA Concurso Internacional Arte y Vida Artificial (2007) and Ars Electronica (2007).

He has also written many texts and articles for magazines, web forums, catalogues and books and has worked as teacher in England and has conducted many workshops around the world, taking part in several research projects at Huddersfield University, United Kingdom. Together with Marc Duseiller and Yashas Shetty he founded the project Hackteria, a web forum and a series of workshops where artists can work combining electronics with biological techniques.