
Andres Rodríguez Monteavaro

1 February 2023 – 31 March 2023

Andrés Rodrigues Monteavaro is an artist, researcher, musician and performer specialized in the anthropology of the body and in the exploration of the bagpipe from a non-hegemonic analytical radicality. As a musician, he is part of the projects La Exclusion de Niño de Elche, a performing arts show based on experimental, environmental and industrial music; To traditional music from the Eo-Navia of Caldo and Os Rabizos, a project based on the ATEM (own oral archive) where he reinterprets music collected in a vast compilation work in a contemporary way; Pablo Und Destruktion’s Ultramonte, where he works on the sound of the bagpipes alongside analog synthesizers; A luz, Orión e a nova luz by Miguel R. Monteavaro, which will be made public at the end of 2022; Incra, own work of experimentation in music around the semiotics of industrial-sound. On the other hand, he participated, directed and collaborated in other projects in the Asturian, Galician and Breton areas. As a researcher and teacher he develops his work between the University of Oviedo and the French universities Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Sorbonne Université-Paris 4 and Cergy-Paris Université. He specialized, works and teaches on technologies of the body and anthropology of contemporary sexuality.

Project in residence


Incra is an audiovisual proposal that, through the semiotics of image and sound an ironwork, presents an industrial project that experiments with the abstraction of the elements of the forge. To do so, it merges iconoclastically with a deconstruction of the sounds of the bagpipe, proposing a non-identifying vision of the instrument that allows us to seek new horizons to create an absorbing and intense sonorous and visual space.

After more than three years of musical and anthropological research, Andrés Rodrigues presents this conceptual proposal in which he joins Iván Nespereira at the AV to create spaces of sensorial abstraction in which the spectators are immersed in a deconstructed working atmosphere that invites them to revisit and displace these places and trades. With the production of the Basque Xabier Erkizia and the recording of the ironworkers of Mozonovo in Santalla de Ozcos, this work goes deep into the depths of iron, mineral or water, allowing the assimilation of new sound and visual discourses of the fundamental elements.

The project is currently in the research and development phase in order to create, on the one hand, an installation that allows spectators to understand the semiotics of pre-industrial work in a visual and sound immersion and, on the other, to develop, a large-format A/V show that goes beyond the limits of music ad enters, through noise and ambient, into the cosmos of noise and darkness of these spaces through live performance.

Project selected in the I Call for Artistic Residencies 2023.
