
Ana G. Argüelles

1 September 2023 – 31 January 2024

Ana Argüelles (Gijón, Asturias, 2001) is a multidisciplinary artist. She studied Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2019-2023) and obtained a Specialisation Diploma in Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Education (2023-2024) at the same university, in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Madrid. Through photography, video and textiles, she delves into issues such as memory and territory.

Project in residence

Festina Lente

The “Festina Lente” project takes a journey through memory, both individual and collective, to highlight the different communication networks in today’s societies.

The Festina Lente project is a journey through those elements that constitute and accompany us. The Latin locution ‘Festina lente’ translated as ‘hurry slowly’ or ‘the fast within the slow’ can be understood from a current perspective as an invitation to slowness. We live in a reality where we can travel at high speed and the great technological development has allowed us to conquer not only territory, but also time. This has precipitated us towards a fragmentation of life that has dynamited previously hegemonic systems, such as the family or the neighbourhood. On the other hand, we have also created complex virtual networks at the service of a global communication project. This world, these communication networks, are increasingly dominated by images and video. Starting from a video essay and putting it in dialogue with found elements, we can confront ourselves with images “that we inhabit and inhabit us”, that we continually remember and forget. This project dives into memory, both individual and collective, to find small stitches of a thread that intertwines us and that, at first glance, seems impossible to perceive.

Project selected in the II Call for Artistic Residencies 2023
