
Alice of the Fountain of the Angels (Delas Delos)

1 February 2021 – 27 March 2021

Alicia de la Fuente de los Ángeles (Dela Delos) has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca and a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Artistic Research from the University of Malaga. With her latest works she investigates a generational issue that involves the study of the affective management of an increasingly immaterial and cryptic reality, through sculptural or installation processes. The humorous tradition often appears in her work, treating it from an anthropological fascination that somehow coalesces into a plastic solution.

He has participated in various exhibitions in Malaga at the CAC, the MUPAM, or La Térmica. She was selected in the XXX Exhibition of Plastic Arts of the Principality of Asturias, exhibited in the Sala de Arte Joven in Madrid, the Sala Borrón (Oviedo) or the Antiguo Jovellanos Institute (Gijón). She has also enjoyed residency scholarships in Malaga (CREADORES 2019 from La Térmica and ARP scholarship 2018 from the University of Malaga). At the same time, her work has been presented in academic research environments such as the IV ANIAV Congress at the UPV or the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Malaga.

Project in residence

Cute dank pupa

Cute dank pupaaims to materialize various concerns around the idea of ​​a contemporary need for physicality and deep care in the face of an intrinsically ethereal and parasitic digital reality.

This project tries to search for estrangement in everyday life, where the culture of mass viewing, job insecurity and hypernostalgia mix with desire and the intoxicating way in which we often interact online. An investigation into the affective management of the functioning of the current world, its mechanisms and shifting sands that leads me to a possible approach to the idea of ​​the sacred today and magical thinking as an urgent resistance to despondency. A proposal that speaks of escape to other contiguous places, to other ways of being, to think of ourselves (perhaps) without regret. How to learn to be a jester and at the same time your own mother, to the last consequences, in a dystopian land.

Selected project from the 1st Call for Artistic Residencies 2021
