

(Lot Amorós, Cristina Navarro & Alexandre Oliver, Spain)

Having met through different activism projects including hacklabs, and 15-M social movement, Lot Amorós, Cristina Navarro and Alexandre Oliver gathered in 2012 to form Aeracoop. Aeracoop is a socially responsible aerial cooperative working collaboratively on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) related projects, a field in which Lot was already very active. In 2013 they presented a proposal for a flying phone called Flone to the NextThingsNextSpace, 2013, initiative and won the award. The Flone project was taking off! Lot and Cristina went to LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial to start the first two months of a residency and later moved to Telefónica I+D. Once in Barcelona, the project reached a new stage, as Alex came back from a stay in India where he was designing a pentacopter for endurance flights and joined the team. Now each one have their own vision about the project and the process. They are investigating how to use unmanned aerial vehicles for social purposes.