A K Dolven


A K received her education at École des Beaux- Arts, Aix-en-Provence, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris and at the National Academy of the Arts in Oslo. In 1997, she moved to Berlin with the aid of a DAAD and Norwegian government grant, and she lived there for almost a decade. She has lived and worked in London for the last ten years, but has kept her Arctic home and studio in the Lofoten Islands throughout her career. In her work, Dolven often connects the contemporary life and the habits of the city with the seemingly anachronistic locations of the Arctic. In addition to video and film, Dolven also works in painting, graphics, photography and installation. She considers concepts as the central aspect of her work, while she regards the technical elements as a means. She is one of Norway’s foremost contemporary international artists. Dolven has exhibited widely in many prestigious international galleries and institutions, including Bergen Kunsthall, South London Gallery, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Kunsthalle Nurnberg and Kunsthalle Bern. Her work is represented in collections such as Art Institute of Chicago, Goetz Collection, Munich, Hoffman Collection, Berlin. In 2000, she was awarded the German Fred-Thieler Prize and in 2005, the Prins Eugen medal in Sweden. In Spain, she held a solo show in DA2 Domus in Salamanca in 2004, and her work is in the Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura. The work ahead, co-commissioned by LABoral and Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum Tromsø, will be on show in both institutions between December 2008 and March 2009.
