Watching the Watchers

8 digital prints. 25cm x 18cm

Watching the Watchers

Watching the Watchers, 2013_ Nevada 2011. James Bridle Image courtesy of James Bridle

1. Nevada, 2011

2. Palmdale AFB, 2013

3. Afghanistan, 2011

4. Yemen, 2012

5. Creech AFB, Nevada, 2011

6. Palmdale AFB, 2013

7. Dryden Research Center, California, 2011

8. Palmdale AAF, California, 2011

Watching the Watchers is a series of images taken from publicly available digital satellite maps of unmanned aerial vehicles around the world, stationed at training bases in the US desert and secret installations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. These military technologies, designed to operate without being seen - visually, politically, or morally - are nevertheless highly visible on popular services such as Google Maps.

Courtesy: James Bridle

James  Bridle

(UK, 1980). Lives and works in London, UK.

A screaming comes across the sky

Drones, mass surveillance and invisible wars

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