On Air, 2009-2012

On Air, 2009. Blu-ray, 8’52’’, loop. On Air, 2012. Neon, 8 x 16 cm

On Air, 2009-2012

Image courtesy: Laurent Grasso studio, Paris

While flying over the vast hills of the United Arab Emirates, a falcon captures the desolate desert landscape. What first appears to be a documentary about a traditional form of hunting soon turns into a primitive form of espionage by a bird of prey with a small camera attached to its back. The low-tech images give the sensation of a primordial form of surveillance, executed by an animal drone.

With On Air, Laurent Grasso shows his interest in observation and surveillance. By decking out a bird with a camera he shows the duplicity of secret communication. Because we are permanently being observed some people revert to more traditional forms of getting their messages across (since the PRISM-scandal for example the Russian secret service FSB has been using the traditional typewriter again).

Courtesy: Galerie Valentin, Paris; Sean Kelly Gallery, New York; Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong

© Laurent Grasso Studio / ADAGP, Paris 2014

Laurent  Grasso

(France, 1972). Lives and works in Paris, France

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