Ensin títulu (2008)

Sound installation. 20 min. Acknowledgments: Archivo de la Tradición Oral-Museu del Pueblu d’Asturies-Red de Museos Etnográficos de Asturias, Fundación Municipal de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Gijón, Cristóbal Homero Jándula, y en especial a todas las personas que han prestado sus voces para el desarrollo de esta instalación Collaborators: Jesús Suárez López (Archivo de la Tradición Oral-Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies) & Daniel Romero (Programación y edición programming & editing). Production: LABoral.

This is a sound installation situated in a dark space bereft of any visual stimulus, produced in collaboration with Archivo de la Tradición Oral del Pueblo de Asturias (Oral Tradition of the Asturian People Archive). Field recordings and interviews were undertaken all over Asturias in order to compile a sound collage whose ambition is to reclaim the power of the symbolic as a metaphor of our times. It is accompanied by surround sound which cushions the recordings in order to emphasise certain feelings. The sounds are triggered by a Pure Data application, connected to a series of loudspeakers and megaphones distributed throughout the exhibition hall, allowing the creation of different representations of the layers of sound. The megaphones are used as symbols of protest, and of the use and normalisation of Llingua.



Cristina de Silva Marbán (1972) & Nacho de la Vega (1968)

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