El burbujómetro

El Burbujómetro (Bubble-o-Meter) is an interactive visualization of Spanish real state prices. It shows, in real time, the prices of apartments in different Spanish cities in the form of bubbles. The user controls the installation with an infrared gun, and as he or she shoots the bubbles these burst and display the prices of apartments. The piece promotes reflection on the socioeconomic dynamics of bubbles, housing, and the Spain of the current decade. The context of the installation is, of course, the Spanish real estate bubble. The surge in house prices is perhaps the most important economic event in Spain during the past few years. The building boom has also allowed the country to keep growing while the rest of Europe stagnated.

Web: http://www.derivart.info/index.php?s=p5&lang=es

Homo Ludens Ludens


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  • 33203 Gijón (Asturias)
  • Spain
  • Phone: +34 985 185 577
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