Artefacts from the Past

Artefacts from the Past

Coal-washing plant, Figaredo. Archivo Histórico Asturiana de Zinc S.A., Castrillón

Since the original layout of these valleys was altered, the constant evolution of their many landscapes has done nothing but perpetuate the conflict between irreconcilable forces. The declining economy of recent decades is another symptom that nevertheless demonstrates that this place is still alive and in permanent transformation. The gradual closure of mines, the disappearance of the iron and steel industry, the dismantling of a large part of the industrial activity and the abandonment of many old railway lines means the end of an era but not the interruption of the process.

During the territory’s relentless flight forward, many buildings popped up here and there, like built clots of its frenzied mutation. Although many of them are still standing today, many more which once inhabited this territory have now vanished without trace. Only an elusive graphic memory, comprising drawings and photographs, can offer a glimpse of the vast amount of vanished artefacts of the past.


Exhibits on loan from:

Archivo del Grupo Duro Felguera de Langreo (On loan at MUSI, Museo de la Siderurgia de Asturias, Langreo)
Archivo Histórico de Hunosa, Pozo Fondón, Langreo
Archivo Histórico Minero
Archivo Histórico Ortiz y Sobrinos, Oviedo
Archivo Histórico Asturiana de Zinc S.A., Castrillón
Asociación Cultural y Minera Santa Bárbara, Mieres Centro de Interpretación Armando Palacio Valdés (
On loan at Portal “Memoria Digital de Asturias”,
Fondo del fotógrafo Antonio Ramón Felgueroso Durán (
On loan at MUSI, Museo de la Siderurgia de Asturias, Langreo)
Fondo gráfico y documental del Museo de la Memoria, San Martín del Rey Aurelio

MUMi, Museo de la Minería y de la Industria, El Entrego
Museo del Ferrocarril de Asturias, Gijón
Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, Gijón

MUSI, Museo de la Siderurgia de Asturias, Langreo
Portal “Memoria Digital de Asturias” (

Learning from the Cuencas

A research project on the cultural landscape of the Asturian mining area

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