Véndete tú Eugenio Ampudia
Valladolid, 1958) Lives and works in Madrid
Véndete tú art’s move
miguel gonzález díez and miguel garcía garcía
Véndete tú asturias es más
juan álvarez hevia iglesias
Véndete tú recall
José Fernández Martínez, Adolfo Monforte García and Miguel Caballero Carlón
Véndete tú patos salvajes
carmen vidal mora
Véndete tú handicrafts workshop
soledad gutiérrez peláez, oliva solar canal and antonia molina muñoz
Véndete tú
A project by Eugenio Ampudia

Véndete tú

A project by Eugenio Ampudia


Véndete tú is an action which, in order for it to be implemented, LABoral issued a call aimed at creative and dynamic entrepreneurs willing to share their proposals, skills and ideas, and also seeking promotion and visibility. Open to people of all types, ready to present any kind of work, business or project, the selected initiatives are very varied –ranging from the development of a tea plantation in the Asturian brañas, or mountain meadows, to a man whose proposal intends to generate power through the exercise equipment available in a gym-. All of them share the common characteristics of being genuine, open and imaginative, and of originating from people of all ages and backgrounds, as explained by artist Eugenio Ampudia, who additionally emphasized that they are related more to real life than to art.

The installation will show the 22 video capsules filmed during last week by Eugenio Ampudia and the audiovisual team at LABoral. In these, the people responsible for the selected projects outline what they aim to accomplish and the potential their initiative has for bringing new ideas to the society in which they live.

Véndete tú
intends to highlight and introduce into the space at the LABoral Art Centre proposals and strategies devised by the citizens of Asturias which contribute to the opening up of new opportunities for the rest of the region as well as encourage an exchange of ideas and knowledge in the context of an Art Centre.


cecilia a. h. arias- honolulu vintage
juan álvarez hevia iglesias- asturias es más
alessandro bacer- c.a.s.e.
faustino caballero muñíz- asociación nacional de gastronomía ecológica
michel coviella- animales autóctonos
ismael fernández- osadíacultura.com
raúl estrada fernández- free energy
josé fernández martínez, adolfo monforte garcía & miguel caballero carlón- rememora
melania fraga- asturianes en movimientu
belén g. tasis (preservi gijón)- contigo las 24 horas
isabel garcía- el comercio de gijón
miguel gonzález díez & miguel garcía garcía- art's move
soledad gutiérrez peláez, oliva solar canal & antonia molina muñoz- taller de manualidades
jorge morueco- plantaciones de te ecológico en asturias
pelayo muñiz cabal-el camino de la memoria
raúl ramos- networking emprendedor
ester roldán- preparada, lista…ya?
brezo rubín- tú tienes poesía
lagares trabanco, muñiz, foncueva and peñón- sidra de manzana seleccionada
ana serna- experiencias
víctor velasco recio- asturflashmob
carmen vidal mora- patos salvajes


Audiovisual team at LABoral: Ana Fernández and Mike Mariconda
Sergio Redruello


In collaboration with:

Sidra de Manzana Seleccionada




Sidra Foncueva

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  • Los Prados, 121
  • 33203 Gijón (Asturias)
  • Spain
  • Phone: +34 985 185 577
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